
Stanford Center for Design Research (CDR) / Workshop

Dr. Larry Leifer

SDM hosted Stanford Center for Design Research (CDR, commonly known as Workshops for three days from May 10 to 12. The theme of the workshops is ideas for design, one of the most important tasks in system design. The workshops were regarded as preparation for ALPS, SDM’s year-long design project course. In the workshops, the lecturers shared methods to come up with design ideas, and teams of students worked on the assignment; to design a pair of footwear as tall as possible made of cardboard and packing tape in a limited time, and then run a footrace wearing their creations. Five teams of students enthusiastically worked on their designs, considering the height, functionality, and durability of the footwear. Dr. Larry Leifer and Mr. Sushi Suzuki from Stanford University, the world’s leading experts in the field, joined Assistant Professor Sun Kim as lecturers. Many students felt the three-day workshop was a good experience to learn and then practice cutting-edge idea generation methods.

  • Daigo
  • Ogi
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  • Kim