


ご案内 協創によるイノベーションの方法を学びませんか?


We are looking for innovators!

Do you want to become a global entrepreneur who makes a difference in the world? Graduate School of System Design and Management, Media and Governance, and Science and Technology, Keio University are now collaborating for a new program aiming to cultivate global entrepreneurs. The program is called EDGE (Enhancing Development of Global Entrepreneur) and it is funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. We are excited to announce that we are now calling for applicants to become the very first group for this program. We will be choosing 30 applicants based on their applications and they will participate in the "EDGE workshop". The workshop will be fun and exciting one that you learn how to think innovatively and how to approach value creation for new business. Based on how you engaged in the workshop and also your performance, we are inviting 15 applicants for further intensive EDGE program which will be a short but effective Project Based Learning course. Most of the contents in this program will be delivered in English and also discussions and presentations in the program is expected to be in English. We are open to Keio University undergraduate students, graduate students, and also non Keio University people.

開催日時/Intensive Workshop in Fall Semestar 2014 2014年度秋学期グローバルイノベーション人材育成集中ワークショップ
11月24日、29日、30日 いずれも10時〜17時
November 24, 29 and 30, 10:00-17:00
開催場所/Location 慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス協生館3階C3N15
C3N15, Third floor, Collaboration Complex, Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University[Access Map Click Here]
対象者 慶應義塾大学の大学院生・学部生・一般の方
定員 初年度は40名程度(お申し込み多数の場合、抽選させていただきます。)
Forty people are selected on November 14 by students and others applied for this workshop till November 12
See in details.
参加費/Fee 無料/Free
申込み 受付は終了しました。

備考 2014年度秋学期グローバルイノベーション人材育成SDMコースを予定しており、ワークショップ参加者の中から30名程度を選抜して実施予定です。

Innovation education in Fall Semester 2014
People are selected by participants of the intensive workshop. See web in details.

(注)2014年度秋学期グローバルイノベーション人材育成SFCコース: 今回募集している集中ワークショップ後に、今年度コース生の選抜過程を開始予定。

主催 慶應義塾大学大学院システムデザイン・マネジメント研究科(SDM)
お問い合わせ システムデザイン・マネジメント研究科
Phone : 045-564-2518
