
ETH Special Lecture

Lecture by Prof. Schweitzer


Prof. Frank Schweitzer

Prof. Frank Schweitzer from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH,) one of SDM's collaboration partners, gave a special lecture on Collective Dynamics of Firms on October 4, 2010, as a part of the Introduction to Business System Management course (Prof. Nakano and Assistant Prof. Minato.) More than 40 people, including students from other graduate schools and people from other organizations seized this chance to learn about mathematical business analysis methods directly from an internationally renowned researcher. SDM is planning another lecture by ETH Professors next spring, which provides a great opportunity for SDM students to experience a lecture given in one of the most prestigious schools in Europe and to improve their knowledge and English skills. It has also been agreed that a few SDM students will study at ETH for a certain period every year. Other opportunities for SDM students to study at international prestigious graduate schools are growing.