
The 4th workshop of SDM 2010 Design Project ALPS

ALPS lecture

The 4th workshop of 2010 Design Project ALPS, a course sponsored by Norinchukin Bank, was held on September 24 and 25. As in the past, the workshop featured presentations by students and lectures by faculty members. Seventeen student groups gave PowerPoint presentations on themes related to “safe and secured system design”. As each student spoke, a demonstration of his or her prototype was projected onto a large screen in Prototype Extravaganza style, which greatly enhanced the audience’s understanding of how the design would actually work.

Prof. Kurt Beiter from Stanford University gave a lecture titled “Scorecarding, Design for Variety.” Prof. Oliver de Weck from MIT gave a lecture titled “Robust Design, Design of Experiments” from Boston via the video conference system. In the lecture, Keio students flew paper planes to assess the impact of various design parameters on flight performance. The statistical results will be reported later. SDM Assistant Prof. Nobuaki Minato gave a lecture titled “Business Model Design and Evaluation, Financial Evaluation, Pricing” and presented ideas from the last three workshops as well as their possible adaptation to business.

Presentation by a student group

Students assessing flight performance