
Message from the Director September 2010


While Japan's global influence is now considered to be the most important issue in its efforts to revitalize its society and regain its power on the world stage, SDM is playing a role in Japan's internationalization efforts.

GLOGIFT2010, the international conference covered in the last edition of SDM News, marked the beginning of our collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology. Prof. Thong Ngee Goh, the key person in systems engineering in National University of Singapore, and Dr. Hiroshi Fujiwara, President of Internet Research Institute, Inc., spoke of the importance of cross-border entrepreneurialism in their inspirational keynote lectures at the conference.

The student exchange program with Delft University of Technology, launched last year with three students from each university, will increase to five students this year, and possibly six, as the maximum. We also concluded student exchange programs with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Politecnico di Milano and Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Toulouse. Many SDM students are eager to study abroad. The internationalization of SDM is rapidly progressing.


Yoshiaki Ohkami

Director, SDM Research Institute
Dean, Graduate School of System Design and Management