
The second Project Leader Training Course

The second Project Leader Training Course, improving on the well-received first course last year, will be held in November (first session) and December (second session). Improvements include:

1) Camp training last four days, shorter than last time. Lectures and exercises are more intensive (two 2-day trips).

2) The interval between the two trips gives the participants a chance to return to their workplaces and practice what they’ve learned in the course.

3) SDM methodology is put to use to give students more control and to allow them to work with less supervision. It also provides an integrated systems engineering approach, which aids the students in making precise judgments and offering advice based on the overall picture of the project.

The first session will be held on November 11 and 12, and the second one on November 30 and December 1. Applications for the two-session course will be accepted from the end of September. Capacity is limited to 25 people.

The three visiting lecturers for the Project Leader Training Course (from left, Mr. Yoshiyuki Takahashi, Mr. Kunihiko Furuya, and Mr. Mitsugu Iwashita)