

GLOGIFT2010, an international conference on flexible system management, was held at the Collaboration Complex on July 26 and 27. It was jointly hosted by GCOE Program and SDM. GLOGIFT originated in India as a research community on flexible systems. A total of 60 people from various countries, including India, Japan, Taiwan, and the US attended the conference for various research presentations and active discussions on systems. From SDM, Prof. Ohkami, Prof. Yasui, Associate Prof. Kohtake, and Assistant Prof. Minato presented their research. Akihiro Sakaedani and Yosuke Nakajima, two graduates of the SDM master’s course this past spring who currently work as researchers at SDM Research Institute, also presented their research. For the first time, student sessions featured SDM doctoral students; Mr. Seki from Prof. Nishimura’s lab, Mr. Hayashida from Prof. Maeno’s lab, Mr. Kusuda from Prof. Ogi’s lab and Mr. Yudha from Prof. Nakano’s lab presented their research. Of the 12 presentations made by Indian and Japanese students, Mr. Seki received the GLOGIFT2010 best student thesis award for his work: “Planning of Distributed Design Strategy with Design Structure Matrix / Domain Mapping Matrix.”


Keynote lecture by Prof. Thong Ngee Goh,
National University of Singapore

Discussion between Prof. Sushil,
Indian Institute of Technology, and Prof. Ohkami