
JAXA Seminar (SE for beginners)

The seminar held to introduce system engineering to employees of The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) was held on June 17 and 18. Thirty JAXA employees from different departments participated. The first lecture was on logical thinking, which is the basis of the system thinking, and its application. After the big picture of SE was explained, the participants formed groups to do SE process exercises, which began with requirement analysis and proceeded to integration and verification. At the end of the seminar, as new SE topic was introduced; the US Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF). The lecturer, Associate Prof. Seiko Shirasaka, used easy-to-understand examples from his previous work experience in space exploration. Most participants rated the seminar as excellent and want to attend more JAXA seminars. 

During the lecture

Associate Prof. Shirasaka (middle) with participants