
Message from the Director March 2010

SDM_News_200910_ohkamiOn February 10 and 11, the master's theses written by the first graduating class of the Graduate School of System Design and Management (SDM) were presented and examined. It was a moment replete with both expectation and anxiety. SDM is attempting to forge a true fusion of the humanities and sciences. What would the theses say and how would they be written? The students did not disappoint. Their presentations showed a full understanding of the "see the forest and also the trees" approach. They established and verified hypotheses and produced solid results. Even the outside member of the Examination Committee had high praise. We are proud of the enthusiasm that this first class displayed, and we look forward to seeing them apply that energy and ambition to great things in the future.

Yoshiaki Ohkami
Director, SDM Research Institute
Dean, Graduate School of System Design and Management