
Global COE Program results announced at the KEIO TECHNO-MALL

091211_globalcoe_3KEIO TECHNO-MALL 2009

KEIO TECHNO-MALL 2009 (10th Keio Science and Technology Exhibition) was held at the Tokyo International Forum and featured the results achieved by Associate Professor Naohiko Kotake, Assistant Professor Yasutoshi Makino and Assistant Professor Terumasa Narukawa at the "Center for Education and Research of Symbiotic, Safe and Secure System Design" of the Global COE Program. Many faculty members and students of the SDM participated and were on hand to discuss their work with visitors.

The Center overseen by Professor Takashi Maeno has been working since FY2008 with faculty members, students and researchers from the SDM and the Graduate School of Science and Technology. It focuses on environmental symbiosis and safety, two of the most important values of our time, and conducts educational and research activities that are oriented towards the creation of new systems designs that incorporate these values. The group specifically examines the four areas of mobility systems, energy systems, human systems and living space systems, working in collaboration with programs overseas to conduct crosscutting educational research.

GCOE web link

TECHNO-MALL web link

091211_globalcoe_1Participants discussing at the booth

091211_globalcoe_2Government-industry-academia Talk Session

091211_globalcoe_4Roundtable Session