春山 真一郎

春山 真一郎(はるやま しんいちろう) SDM研究所顧問
- 可視光通信を用いたユビキタス位置情報システムデザイン
- 高速イメージセンサを用いたAR(拡張現実)システムデザイン
- 測量システムデザイン
- 高速列車と地上間の大規模大容量通信システムデザイン
- アントレプレナーシップ 等
SDM研究科元教授、元・米国ベル研究所MTS(Member of Technical Staff)、元・ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所先端情報通信研究室リサーチャ。
- Shinichiro Haruyama, Robert Morelos-Zaragoza, Yukitoshi Sanada, "A Software Defined Radio Platform with Direct Conversion: SOPRANO", IEEE WPMC 2001 (Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications), Aalborg, Denmark, pp. 237 - 240, September 2001
- Hideaki Uchiyama, Masaki Yoshino, Hideo Saito, Masao Nakagawa, Shinichiro Haruyama, Takao Kakehashi, Naoki Nagamoto, "Photogrammetric System using Visible Light Communication", 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp.1771-1776, November 2008
- Kosuke Ishii, Olivier L. de Weck, Shinichiro Haruyama, Takashi Maeno, Sun K Kim, Whitfield Fowler, "Active Learning Project Sequence: Capstone Experience: Capstone Experience for Multi-disciplinary System Design and Management Education", International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED) 2009, August 2009
- Sun K. Kim, Shinichiro Haruyama, Takashi Maeno, Tetsuya Toma, Yoshiaki Ohkami, "Preliminary Validation of Scenario-based Design for Amorphous Systems", the 20th Annual INCOSE International Symposium (INCOSE 2010), Chicago, USA, July 2010
- Best Paper Award at IEEE WPMC 2001 Conference: Shinichiro Haruyama, Robert Morelos-Zaragoza, Yukitoshi Sanada, "A Software Defined Radio Platform with Direct Conversion: SOPRANO", IEEE WPMC 2001 (Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications), Aalborg, Denmark, pp. 237 - 240, September 2001
- Named IEICE Fellow (Fellow of The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) in September 2009
- 電子情報通信学会
- 情報処理学会
- 映像メディア情報学会
- Nikkei Shimbun, "Will this be the Year that Wireless Communications Using Light from Lighting Fixtures are Commercialized?" January 1, 2009
- Kensetsu Kikai, "Development of a Three-Dimensional Positioning System using Visible Light Communications", Hideaki Uchiyama, Shinichiro Haruyama, Naoki Nagamoto, Takao Kakehashi, pp.22-33 , February 2009
- Nikkei Shimbun, "Overcoming with Technology: Using Lighting Fixtures for Data Communications," February 19, 2009
- Nikkei Trendy, "In-Flight Communications Using Visible Light," pp.121, March 2009
- ユビキタス通信ラボ
- 可視光通信ラボ
- 半導体システム技術ラボ
- 列車サービスラボ