Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University,, inc, Elephant Design, TOKYU CORPORATION, IBM (hereinafter referred to as "Promoters") set up a Avert Blackout Project consortium (hereinafter referred to as "Consortium") and start Avert Blackout Project (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") for local residents around Futakotamagawa areas (Setagaya-ku ,Tokyo) served by Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Project plans to collect information on participants’ efforts on power saving through their mobile devices such as mobile phones and smart phones, to make it visible, and to organize drills to take power saving actions based on such information by utilizing social networking services such as Twitter. Moreover, we aim to expand this result not only to Tokyo Electric Power Co. service areas, but also to areas hit by Great East Japan Earthquake and Eastern Asia areas which are frequently hit by earthquakes.
Project will run for 100 days from July 1 when demand of electric power increases.
Press release (Japanese only)