Educational and research activities

The Graduate School of System Design and Management (Keio SDM) collaborates with a number of international universities in a wide range of educational and research activities.

Establishment of system design and management studies

Keio SDM worked in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, and Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) to develop pedagogical methods for system design and management studies, and we continue to work together on the implementation and improvement of Design Project. These approaches help to enrich society by combining the strengths of the individual universities; design thinking at Stanford University, systems engineering at MIT, and the fusion of science and letters at Keio SDM. Students at the schools use what they've learned to develop and implement new services and systems.

Mutual comparison of safety culture evaluation approaches at large-scale plants in Japan and France

Keio SDM and the National Institute of Applied Science Toulouse (INSA Toulouse) in France have begun a joint research project on safety culture evaluation approaches that examines systems and organizations at large-scale plants with significant latent risks. The research focuses on oil refineries and compares methodologies and points of emphasis in the two countries. Its goal is to advance and improve techniques in this area.

IMS2020 project of the EU/IF7 program

Keio SDM participates in the IMS2020 project of the EU/IF7 program and is involved in the creation of a roadmap for the development of sustainable manufacturing systems. The IMS2020 project is led by the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering at Politechnic University of Milan (Polimi) in Italy and involves 15 leading research and educational institutions around the world, including the BWI (Center for Industrial Management) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich.

Robotics research with University of British Columbia (Canada)

Keio SDM has sent guest researchers to the "Collaborative Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems Laboratory" (CARIS) led by Dr. Croft in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of British Columbia. The researchers conduct experiments and analysis on biometrics and kinesiology at the CARIS Laboratory.