Social Design Center (SDC) hosted SDC meeting “Quake Restoration Design 01 featuring Izumi Yoshida, Parliamentary Secretary of Finance,” held an open event SDC meeting on June 11, 2011.
The event aimed to think about what we can do for Fukushima, where people are still suffering with nuclear-power accidents and harmful rumors even three months after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The meeting was full with over 50 participants.
We invited Izumi Yoshida, member of the House of Representatives (Parliamentary Secretary of Finance) as a special guest to give his thoughts rgarding the discussions. After this meeting, SDC has set up Fukushima Quake Restoration Project.
We will continue to hold such events and conduct study meetings and field study.
For details about Social Design Center (SDC), please see here. (Japanese only)
Greeting from Izumi Yoshida, Parliamentary Secretary of Finance
The meeting presides over by SDM faculty member Yoshinobu Soda
Greeting from Takashi Maeno, Director of SDC
Lecture by Motoshi Kanke
Lecture by Prof. Toshiyuki Yasui
SDC meeting