Visiting Professors
Lectures and classes by leaders in their fields
Prof. Olivier L. de WECK MIT/ESD, US
- Design Project
Prof. Kurt A. BEITER Stanford University, US
- Design Project
Prof. Duncan MOORE Professor and Vice Provost for Entrepreneurship,the University of Rochester
- Entrepreneurship
Prof. Rashmi JAIN Stevens Institute of Technology, US
- System Architecture and Design
- System Integration
Prof. Laurent BALMELLI Watson Laboratory, IBM; Special Guest Professor, Keio University
- Model-Based System Development
Prof. Dr. Frank SCHWEITZER Chair of Systems Design
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland
- Collective Dynamics of Firms
Prof. Dr. Paul SCHOENSLEBEN Professor for Logistics, Operations, and Supply Chain Management
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland
- Business Games - Supply Chain Management in a Nut Shell
Niels MALOTAUX an independent project coach, The Netherland
- Predictable Projects - Delivering the Right Result at the Right Time
Robert HALLIGAN Managing Director, Project Performance International, Australia
- Requirements Engineering
Prof. Gilles MOTET INSA Toulouse, France
- Industrial Safety Engineering