
SSES Lab: Strategic Social Education System Lab

(Introducing two labs directed by Professor Taketoshi Hibiya)

Lab members

Professor Taketoshi Hibiya

Professor Takashi Maeno, Professor Kenichi Takano, Sachio Muraoka (doctoral course), Jun Kawai (masters course) and two other outside researchers.


SSES Shakaijin Kisoryoku - Certificate

The Strategic Social Education System Laboratory (SSES Lab) was established in April 2010 to create a training program for people who can contribute to society from a young age. On November 29, 2010, the "self-sustained action" training program that they developed and tested won the Incentive Award at the Shakaijin Kisoryoku (basic business skills) Grand Prix hosted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry.
The SSES Lab has found that many companies need excellent employees who can contribute in the early stages and developed a "self-sustained action" training program to train the ability to think, set targets, plan and act, which is the most fundamental but also the most important.
Its advantage was proven ten young SDM student examinees in a four-month demonstration test that began in May. In the test, the examinees tried to get a quick view of their own current state and design and manage themselves with the system engineering methods that they acquired in lectures and through ALPS. And Mentors (mainly working students) asked questions, helped them to find solutions to their problems, and provided moral support as the students refined their goals and worked toward them. By trying to improve their actions based on the PDCA(Plan-Do-Check-Action)Cycle, students can flexibly tackle various barriers and continuously develop themselves. This program features the mechanism in which Mentors encourage student examinees' development.  
This program will enable students not only to achieve fruitful results in their student life and research, but also to appeal themselves in a positive manner in job interviews. With this training, we believe that they will contribute to the society.
The current outlook for job hunters is worsening and finding a suitable job, or finding training for a suitable job, is becoming more difficult, which is likely to be a drain on Japan's social vitality. The SSES Lab continues to conduct research on the win-win utilization of people (including training and recruiting for industry, students and universities) to create more efficient and effective training programs, and to propose practical and proven solutions by applying the results to Japan's education systems and recruiting systems.  

(Jun Kawai-second year masters course)



Professor Taketoshi Hibiya
Research Fellow at NEC's Fundamental Research Laboratories, Professor at Graduate School of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University before accepting his current position
Major: Large scale systems engineering

  • Daigo
  • Ogi
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  • Kim