
Human System Design Laboratory

What is the Human System Design Laboratory?

Lab members

Our research topics in the Human System Design Laboratory cover every kind of system relating to humans to further our vision of creating a better world for mankind. The research topics below are just examples; our research is not limited to them. All kinds of cutting edge and multi-disciplinary research is conducted in the lab in terms of systems, from science technology to philosophy and art, with the goal of nurturing the work of a modern-day Socrates or Da Vinci. Over 30 people work in the lab, including students, professors, and researchers. Scientists, engineers, consultants, and company managers discuss and find solutions to all sorts of problems. The seminar is held every Saturday afternoon and we carry on into the evening. Please join us if you are interested.


System design of community, organization and business

Research includes work on a cooperative pro-environmental behavior model, the role of sustainable NPOs, collaboration between local governments, a new regional collaboration structure of agricultural systems, instilling measures of corporate philosophy, pursuit of shared interests and happiness for employers, employees and society, and development of new comprehensive and consistent marketing methods. System engineering, social psychology, and sociology are the academic bases for this research.


System design of human-machine interface

Research on various human-machine interface system designs based on robotics haptic technology are conducted, including communication robot design, active touch panel design, consumer product tactile design, and barrier-free system design. Science and engineering, psychology, art, and ethics are the academic bases for this research.


System design of education, learning and development

Research of system design and management is conducted to realize systemic and systematic multi-disciplinary education and consulting. System engineering, system science, system philosophy, and system thinking are the academic bases for this research.


System design of self

What are "self", "conscious", and "qualia"? What are "happiness", "desire", "fun", "symbiosis," "bliss", and "enlightenment"? What are "education", "learning", "growth", and "life"? This laboratory's approach to these first-person (and third-person) issues is multi-disciplinary. System design and management, philosophy of mind, ethics, sociology, psychology, and brain science are the academic bases for this research.


Research areas of future interest

Joint seminar with Tokyo Institute of Technology

To solve global issues that mankind faces, including north-south issues, environmental issues, safety and security issues, the Human System Design Laboratory is hoping to conduct research with a panoramic view by treating any issues as mutually-related system issues, including system design of world peace, culture and civilization, international politics, coexistence of religions, and art (music, art, literature, architecture and craftwork.)


Passionate students, researchers, and joint researchers are needed

If you are passionate about realizing big visions such as "innovation of Japan and the world" and "development of symbiosis of environment, security and world peace" and if you aren't a pessimist, we'd like to hear from you.


September-2010-Topic-lab-a.jpg Professor Takashi Maeno

After working as a researcher for Canon, Inc., Prof. Maeno was a visiting industrial fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, a visiting professor at Harvard University, and a professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology at Keio University. He has been a professor of the Graduate School of System Design and Management since 2008. His specialties are system design and management methodology, robotics, and science and technology studies.

  • Daigo
  • Ogi
  • a
  • Kim