
Report: Study Group on Financial Regulation and Supervisio

Panel discussion

The "Study Group on Financial Regulation and Supervision" is an unofficial study group in the SDM Socio-Critical System Laboratory. It recently held a series of three symposia on finance.
The December symposium was titled "A Business Plan for 13.2 Billion Yen" and featured Mr. Daisuke Iwase, Vice President of the Lifenet Insurance Company, who spoke about his experiences in starting up Japan's first independent internet-based life insurance company.
The second (January) symposium was titled "International Accounting Standards (IFRS), to Japan: Opportunity or Threat?" The lecture was given by Katsumi Fukamachi, Representative Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata and Japan's foremost authority on IFRS and systems.
The third (February) symposium was titled "Strategic Exports as a System: Creating a 20 Trillion Yen Market." Deputy Director-General Masakazu Ichikawa of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry spoke on export strategies for package-style infrastructure projects. Following his remarks, he was joined by Takuji Tanaka, Executive Officer at Innovation Network Corporation of Japan, and Professor Yasui for a panel discussion on systems approaches.
The CDF Room was packed for all three sessions, which were planned and organized by interested students.

  • Daigo
  • Ogi
  • a
  • Kim