
Presentation by exchange students from TU Delft

Presentation by TU Delft students


TU Delft students with SDM students,

On January 14, exchange students from TU Delft made presentations on what they had learned during their stay at SDM to SDM students and faculty members. The visiting students from TU Delft's Faculty of Technology and Policy Management (TPM) were Fransien RUIJTER, Sander LUSTENHOUWER, Hao ZHANG, Qing Ye, and Thomas MULDER. Fransien enjoyed sightseeing throughout Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa. Sander's favorite memory is playing baseball with Japanese members in a baseball club. Hao was moved by the kindness of Japanese who helped him when he was lost, and Qing enjoyed the good food he had in various regions in Japan.
Their common impression was that the close relationships that students and professors have are a great strength of SDM, as last year's exchange students pointed out. SDM's appeal became even clear through these second consecutive year exchange programs. We wish all five exchange students much success in their studies and hope that this exchange program continues for many years.


  • Daigo
  • Ogi
  • a
  • Kim