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慶應義塾大学大学院 システムデザイン・マネジメント研究科
2015年度春学期 授業シラバス
Syllabus for Spring semester 2015

ヒューマンファクター論 (英) / HUMAN FACTORS

高野 研一、藤田 祐志
Date and Slot
水曜日2時限 Wednesday 2nd

Prerequisite or Related Course
Course Requirements
    No prior conditions
Class Room
    human factors, ergonomics
Contact Address for Inquiry Regarding the Course
Course Description

Objective and Method of the Course
    Human factors is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance. In this lecture, basics of human factors, especially those relevant to safety, are introduced. It is hoped that students will develop an understanding that human factors is a crucial component of our life. The lecture is expected to be very interactive.
Textbooks and References
    A complete lecture material is made available after each lecture.
Assignment, Exam and Grading Details
    Attendance and report submission account for 50% of performance respectively. Depending on the evaluation of reports the performance will be rated.
Notification for the Students
Availability on e-learning System
Course Schedule

    No.1 2015/04/08 What is human factors? - [実務家] (By Fujita Yushi)
    Human factors is a scientific and engineering discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies the understanding to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance. This lecture gives an overview of human factors.

    No.2 2015/04/15 Do you believe what you see through human system interfaces (HIS)?[実務家] (By Fujita Yushi)
    Human system interfaces (HIS) are a system through which information is exchanged between humans (system users) and a system. What users observe through HSI is a view of the system abstracted by system designers. Abstraction may also take place in users’ mind. These abstraction processes may sometimes cause misunderstandings both on the side of users and the system. This lecture gives a cognitive view of HIS.

    No.3 2015/05/13 We usually work in group - I[実務家] (By Fujita Yushi)
    In may vocational circumstances, people work together with their co-workers. How to optimize the performance of group of people is crucial in real-life works. This lecture gives an overview of leadership theories.

    No.4 2015/05/27 We usually work in group - II[No archive][実務家] (By Fujita Yushi)
    In this lecture, students are requested to give presentations on the subject of leadership style. The Performance Maintenance theory is used as an underlying model.

    No.5 2015/06/03 What are human errors? I[実務家] (By Fujita Yushi)
    This lecture discusses the nature of human erroneous behaviors, particularly those activated by cognitive biases. No written text is used in this lecture.

    No.6 2015/06/10 What are human errors? - II[実務家] (By Fujita Yushi)
    This lecture is a follow-up of Lecture No.05, and it discusses the nature of human errors in greater detail.

    No.7 2015/06/17 Summarize human errors (By Fujita Yushi)
    In this lecture, students are requested to give presentations on the subject of human errors. It will be emphasized that human errors are hindsight. The judgment of human errors is influenced by consequences.

    No.8 2015/06/24 Are humans quantifiable in terms of probability?[実務家] (By Fujita Yushi)
    Human errors are often treated quantitatively. This lecture sketches how it is done.

    No.9 2015/07/01 How can we design safer organization?[実務家] (By Fujita Yushi)
    Organizational cultures often times lead to tragic accidents. This lecture summarizes the nature of some organizational accidents and discusses the notion of “safety culture.”

    No.10 2015/07/08 Experience human factors evaluation - I[No archive] (By Fujita, Yushi)
    Some field works are conducted to experience human factors evaluation.

    No.11 2015/07/08 Experience human factors evaluation - II[No archive][実務家] (By Fujita Yushi)
    This is a continuation of Lecture No.11. This lecture will be given immediately after Lecture No.10 on the same day.

    No.12 2015/07/09 Tour to ANA flight simulator[No archive][実地] (By Takano Kenichi)
    To go to All Nippon Airway Flight Center to have a lecture from experienced Captains about human factors.

    No.13 2015/07/09 Tour to ANA flight simulator[No archive][実地] (By Takano Kenichi)
    To go to All Nippon Airway Flight Center to have a lecture from experienced Captains about human factors.

    No.14 2015/07/15 Experience human factors evaluation - III[実務家] (By Fujita Yushi)
    In this lecture, students are requested to give presentations on the field works

    No.15 2015/07/15 Summary[No archive][実務家] (By Fujita Yushi)
    Summary comments on this course will be given.

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