
米国Singularity University教員による講演会とワークショップ(アジアンイノベーションの国際連携教育プログラム)

タイムテーブル (1)米国Singularity University教員による講演会詳細

米国Singularity Universityの招待講演者が、地球規模の問題について解説し、 アジアやアフリカでの活動を紹介します。(テレビ会議システムを用いて実施)

講師:Ms. Darlene Damm
Principal Faculty for Global Grand Challenges, Singularity University

題名: 「どのようにしたら世界を変えられるか」
(英語名:“How You Can Change the World”)
しかしながら、多くの新しい社会的課題が生じています。なぜそうなのかを探り、 課題を解決しようとしているアジアの革新者たちの活動をご紹介します。

講師:Dr. Nicholas Haan
Director of Global Grand Challenges, Singularity University
題名: 「アフリカの開発におけるエクスポネンシャルテクノロジーの役目」
(英語名:“The role of exponential technology in African development”)
国連の世界人口統計調査では、2100年までにアフリカの人口が4倍以上になると予想し ています。現在、アフリカの一部の地域では極度の貧困に苦しんでいますが、未来の アフリカを豊かなものにするためにエクスポネンシャルテクノロジーはどのような役 割を果たすことが出来るでしょうか。この講演では、現在の課題を概観し、アフリカ の開発に役立つ主要な技術動向を特定し、革新のための重要な機会をご紹介します。
講師紹介 Ms. Darlene Dammのご紹介
Darlene Damm is Vice Chair & Principal Faculty of Global Grand Challenges at Singularity University. She has spent nearly two decades leading organizations and initiatives in the field of social innovation.
In 2012 she founded DIYROCKETS, the first company to crowdsource space technology, and in 2011 was an early co-founder of Matternet, one of the world's first companies using drones for commercial transport and delivery of medical goods in the developing world.
Darlene served with Ashoka, the world's largest association of social entrepreneurs for nearly nine years where she built the organization's fundraising system (raising over $30 million per year) and led Ashoka's presence in the Silicon Valley launching major partnerships with companies such as Google, LinkedIn and Facebook. In addition, she helped launch Ashoka's StartEmpathy initiative which has scaled to over 30 countries ensuring young children grow up learning empathy and changemaking as core skills for the 21st century.
Prior to that, Darlene spent over a decade working in Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia, East Asia and the US on educational and economic programs that empowered youth and helped bring developing nations into the global economy.
She received her bachelor's degree in History from Stanford University and her master's degree in International Affairs from Johns Hopkins SAIS. She was a Fellow with Japan-US Community Education and Exchange and a graduate of Singularity University. She holds a patent and regularly speaks around the world and publishes on the topic of technology and social change.

Dr. Nicholas Haanのご紹介
Nicholas Haan has worked at the intersection of science, technology, social challenges, and innovation for the last 25 years. His issues of focus have included disaster relief, food security, environment, energy, public health, education, genetics, and information systems. And his affiliations have included the United Nations, governments, universities, donor agencies and non-governmental organizations.
Nick is currently Vice President of Impact and Faculty Chair of Global Grand Challenges at Singularity University. His introduction to global perspectives began as a science teacher in a remote Kenyan village with the Peace Corps. This experience led to more than 20 years of living and working internationally, mainly in East and Southern Africa (including living four years in villages without running water or electricity, which gives him a unique perspective on social challenges). Prior to joining Singularity University, Nick served as Senior Economist/Global Program Manager with the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization where he oversaw a food security project operating in over 30 countries. He is the creator of an international standard for classifying the severity of food insecurity and disasters called the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC).
Nick is also involved with several Startups, including as founder of Field Ready (a nonprofit dedicated to innovation for disaster response) and as strategic advisor to a Nairobi-based mobile app company called eMobilis. He is on the board of the Hunger Institute and the Transformative Action Institute. He has been a visiting professor at University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; and was awarded a NASA Research Fellowship. Originally from California. Nick has a PhD in Geography, a Master in International Development, a Master in Geographic Information Systems & Remote Sensing from Clark University, and a Bachelor in Genetics from U.C. Berkeley. He is an avid sea kayaker and explorer, most recently completing a 500 km expedition across Lake Victoria by kayak.
タイムテーブル (2)米国Singularity University教員による講演会を踏まえたワークショップ
ワークショップのテーマ:Creating Innovation in Impact for Good
講師:Dr. Jovan David Rebolledo-Mendez、慶應SDM 春山 真一郎教授
題名:午前の講師陣に語っていただいた洞察力やインスピレーションを参考にして、アジア や世界の人々の生活を改善するアイデアを提案するためのワークショップを行います。ワーク ショップでは、2015年9月の国連総会で採択された具体的行動指針であるSDGs(Sustainable Development Goals、持続可能な開発目標)で定められた17のグローバル目標を参考にして、 グループワークを行います。
なお、参加学生には、ワークショップの前に、17のグローバル目標のうち1つの目標を選び、 それに関連するアジアの特定の問題をあらかじめ見つけておくという宿題をやってきていた だき、ワークショップのスタート時にそれを発表していただく予定です。
講師紹介 Dr. Jovan David Rebolledo-Mendezのご紹介
Dr. Jovan David Rebolledo-Mendez has a doctor degree in engineering, MBA, and has done a couple of Postdocs from University of Louisville and OIST. He is currently researching artificial intelligence at University of Tokyo. He was a participant of the GSP 2009 Inaugural Class Alumni. In 2014, 2015, 2016, he has been a teaching fellow in the Singularity University in the areas of artificial intelligence and robotics. He is the SingularityU Japan GIC organizer, and the SingularityU Tokyo Chapter Organizer. He also is Xprize Ambassador in Japan and Xprize Think Tank Tokyo Organizer. He has written more than 10 international journal papers and a few patents. He has lived, worked, studied, and researched in 3 countries: Mexico, USA, and Japan. He has visited more than 30 countries, having projects in Asia (Japan), Americas (USA, Mexico), and Africa (Congo). He is a cofounder of these companies: Tactile Analogics LLC, Robotechnologies LLC, EDroneS Corp., Rightz S.A.C.V., Exponential Japan Kabushikigaisha, Ryukyu Mirai Kabushikigaisha. He speaks English, Spanish, Japanese, and French.
講演会・ワークショップ担当教員 システムデザイン・マネジメント研究科 教授 春山 真一郎
書類提出先・お問い合わせ先 日吉学生部(大学院担当)SDM担当